Access Design Solutions UK Ltd

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You are viewing: Our 'Setting the standards' section


Carol and Caroline have served on numerous influential policy committees and working panels setting future policy and standards, such as:

"enabled us to effectively participate in the preparation of international standards which will influence future development worldwide"
Chiara Giovannini, ANEC European Consumer Voice on Standards

Many of our research projects have influenced the development of policy, strategy and best practice standards, for example:

For information on current and recent research and policy projects, see Projects section.

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Housing Sight cover

Our research on housing and vision impairment for RNIB's Housing Sight was included in the Welsh Government Design Quality Requirements for housing associations.

"For guidance and good practice on staff training, we use DPTAC's Disability Equality and Awareness Training Framework" (Arriva Trains, 2012)

Access the DPTAC Training Framework

National Register of ACCess Consultants (logo)The Access Association (logo)The Design Council (logo)British Standards Institution (logo)